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The Perfect Way to Parade

1 Dec 2024 3:00 PM | Anonymous

This year we decided to participate in the Weyers Cave Christmas parade on Sunday, December 1, 2024. We’ve had the great fortune of opening up a lot of territory in that area in the last few years and decided it would be a good idea to make a positive showing in the community.  Despite the holiday weekend, with many members spending time with their families, quite a few folks were able to attend.

We’ve been making connections with Alpine Goat Brewery over the past few months and it paid off when I (Mary Lee McDavid) called to ask about parking for the parade. Brenda and I visited with the manager to determine the best area to park in their overflow parking lot and also got permission to park during hunting time (so be on the lookout for a new parking area added to the fixture card!).  

The day started out magical. As we were tacking up a light snow started coming down. We adorned our horses with holiday saddle pads, ear bonnets, bells and garland and set off down the road to meet up at the parade route. This proved to be very beneficial as the horses got to stretch their legs and warm up and we got there in time to slip in the parade route.  

We waved and cheered to the families as we walked through the town. Kids grinned ear to ear and pointed to the horses and couldn’t wait to be acknowledged by us.  Some asked politely if they could pet our horses and we obliged when we could and it was safe. Alex Avery followed up with this Miata and everyone got a kick out of seeing him scoop poop into the trunk of a convertible. Thank you Alex!  

Once the parade was over we took a stroll back to the brewery, untacked and got our horses settled and had the most fabulous brick oven pizza supplied by the food truck outside and enjoyed beer and non-alcoholic beverages inside the brewery. A lot of us are already talking about plans for more parades at the lawn parties this summer and hoping we can get even more members to join in the fun! — Mary Lee McDavid, Member

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